Flashback Spotlights


In the sixth month of the lunar calendar, the original Daxi life is layered upon one another. While the streets and alleys are busy preparing offerings, the Shetou groups organize equipment and prepare for the procession. The temple holds puts up incense sticks, builds an archway, and cleans the temple. With a series of Daxidaxi projects scheduled, the responsibilities of each character in the city were expanded. We could see the details of the procession's arrangement being revealed one by one while everyone was either being recorded or practicing for the performance.

Daxi/Daxi kicked off just two weeks before Daxi’s annual gala, “the Reception of June 24” began, as a warmup for this hundred-year procession tradition. In recent years, the event is organized in the spirit of “a joyous occasion for the deity” that highlights creativity and design to welcome hands-on experience and public participation. The end-result is an iconic, town-wide cultural festivity and brand that has charmed and won many fans, male and female, young and old!

Annual Theme

Daxidaxi is started in 2018 and has different strategies and topics each year.