

Daxi Daxi Book
"Daxi Daxi " is Museology in Action
Daxi Daxi Book

"Isn't a museum always about collecting and preserving things? "
What does the Museum want to change?
Now, let's dive into the cultural preservation strategy of "June 24 Reception" and the museology approach of the Wood Art Ecomuseum as demonstrated by Daxi Daxi."

Preservation And Continuation of Local Festival Celebration Culture

As a local festival with over a century of history, the "Daxi Puji Temple Guan Sheng Dijun Birthday Celebration Festival," is a local mainstay that the people of Daxi have been participating in since they were young. The organization of this event relies on the temple’s management team and the "Shetou" who participate in the procession together to pass on the rituals and performances of the art formation. In addition to June on the Lunar Calendar, following the procedures of Puji Temple in preparing for the festival, the temple management team holds meetings and coordinates with relevant organizations. The adherents help to allocate resources, and volunteers participate in "temple washing" (cleaning and tidying up the temple). People of all ages are able to find their own roles in connection with this highly-anticipated festival. The whole parade celebration consists of 31 Shetou organizations, who hail from all corners of Daxi, whether it’s from a certain community, a certain neighborhood, or a certain industry, so everyone in Daxi is more or less inextricably linked to the Shetou organizations. Locals also recall their childhood days of being encouraged by the Shetou to join the formations while waving flags, and interacting with children of similar age in the neighborhood, forming an exclusive fond childhood memory of the people of Daxi.

Even though these folk legacies are declining in modern times, " June 24 Reception" has always had the power to draw the local community together. As a local ecomuseum in Daxi, the Museum hopes to contribute to the preservation, dissemination, and promotion of the culture of celebration from the Museum's perspective, and to mirror the spirit of the ecomuseum with the dedication of co-learning, so that the culture of festival celebrations can continue in daily life.

Methodology of Professional Curatorial Methods and Ecomuseum Co-development

After the Daxi Wood Art Ecomuseum was established in 2015, it took over the "Daxi Cultural and Art Festival", which was hosted by the Daxi Township Office for many years. From 2015 to 2017, the Museum first focused on the "June 24th Guan Sheng Dijun Birthday Procession" as the highlight of the "Daxi Cultural and Art Festival," planning performances, exhibitions and educational activities, and attempting to collaborate with professional performance troupes and Shetou groups. Hover, the repertoire of the activities at that time lacked focused and had not yet caught the attention of greater society.

The experience garnered over the past three years from hosting "Daxi Cultural and Art Festival," made the Wood Art Ecomuseum raise a series of questions. Such as seeking to strike a balance between "exploring the new and digging up the old," and contemplating on how to preserve local festival culture while at the same time innovatively connecting with modernity. At that time, some cities in Taiwan started to introduce curatorial thinking, but there were no examples of cultural preservation in urban settings with the theme of festival and celebration culture.

The Museum wanted to form a professional curatorial team that could work with the Museum to develop a methodology that combined traditional festival culture with innovative methods of promotion, as well as embrace the cultural connotations of celebrations that have evolved over the years to reach people from different regions and generations. Furthermore, the Museum attempted to formulate effective expressions and language forms for international communication. Such a daunting challenge compelled the Museum, as the organizer, to propose a “master curatorial” project.

In 2018, the BIAS Architects team, which was involved in the master curatorial process, proposed the concept and structure of “Daxi Daxi," was faced with questions from both the Museum and the general public. The new "Daxi Daxi," with its bold idea of translating tradition and reinventing it, and its goal of expanding the audience, was to be executed in a rolling process through consensus-building with the people of Daxi. It was not easy to cope with the large number of participants, the diverse expectations of different groups, the ambitious and often a pressing deadline, and lots of moving parts. However, since its inception, the "Daxi Daxi" event has a clear goal of not interfering with the two-day traditional procession with a creation of a new "prelude" procession that unites the entire community through large-scale performances, cultural theater performed by residents, production of related artworks, video documentation, innovative exhibitions, community workshops, international exchanges, etc. Through each of these ideas, residents are able to participate in the culture of the festival in different ways, reconnecting and creating a sense of preservation and redevelopment. At the same time, as "Daxi Daxi" attracts the attention of the younger generation, the local residents' imagination of the festival is gradually being transformed, and they realize that the life and beliefs they are accustomed to can be of appeal to the public, and they see the hope of spreading the culture of the festival and passing it on.

With Daxi having such an extraordinary new form of celebration event, museums, curatorial teams, and resident field workers share and interact with locals day after day and year after year, planning and putting into practice to induce changes in the people of Daxi. This converges into a force for change and action, contributing to the visibility of cultural festivals, and deepening the internalized awareness of cultural preservation. By designing and developing the festival's diverse experience, harnessing traditional culture as the rich nutrients for design creation, the complementarity of traditional culture and contemporary design is complemented. Thus "Daxi Daxi" has created content different from other local cultural festivals, where everyone can participate and share, and bear witness to Daxi’s unique culture, and together, they create and perpetuate this unique heritage. All of Daxi is a platform for cultural expression, breaking physical boundaries and becoming a complete ecomuseum. This difference is a testimony to "Daxi Daxi" as a approach in museology and a successful and innovative way to market Daxi.

The diagram of museum strategy for the "June 24 Reception" Intangible Cultural Assets.

During the 2019 “Dancing with Gods” as a part of the innovative performance, the traditional generals fused with performing arts and entered the crowd.

The children of Daxi Elementary School wore the costumes of little generals, custom-made during the education project "Pilgrimage Course for Children", and participated in the procession along with the Shetou groups.